

Matlock was an American drama series premiered on ABC from September 23, 1986 until May 7, 1995. It starred Andy Griffith as attorney Ben Matlock. The series featured criminal defense attorney Ben Matlock who charged his clients $100,000 to take a case. Most of the cases that he takes was involve murders.

He is argumentative man and rude, often uses colorful language, but beneath it all he has a good heart. His daughters Leanne and Charlene with his investigators Conrad McMasters, Cliff Lewis and Tyler Hudson assisted him in his work.


louie69 said...

I find this series too boring to watched.

orezman said...

the investigation show looks very exciting, solving murders and puzzles.....

Anonymous said...

A classic tv series.. I wish I have a chance of watching it ^_^

Abas KS said...

Hi, Janna

How are you?

Sexy ladies doing investigations are the trend nowadays.

Matlock is like soo..dead..


psyche said...

I like tv series which the motif is investigation...For me it is much challenging than any genre because it contain a good thinking to formulate the scene...