The story follows the experiences of naïve Felicity Porter as she moves to the country of New York to attend college in the “University of New York” and also to pursue her high school crush, Ben Covington.
The series begins at high school graduation of felicity where she asks her crush, Ben Covington to sign in her year book. With the comment of her crush, she decided to change her education plans and follow Ben to New York rather than pursuing her parents dreams to become a medical students.
Upon arriving in New York, Felicity discover that Ben has a girlfriend and he has no feelings for her. While, Felicity works to sort out her emotions, she still continue her student life and moves into her dorm. On her dorm, she meet Noel Crane. Eventually, romantic involvements arise, and the relationships between Ben, Felicity and Noel form the dramatic conflicts in the show.
The series begins at high school graduation of felicity where she asks her crush, Ben Covington to sign in her year book. With the comment of her crush, she decided to change her education plans and follow Ben to New York rather than pursuing her parents dreams to become a medical students.
Upon arriving in New York, Felicity discover that Ben has a girlfriend and he has no feelings for her. While, Felicity works to sort out her emotions, she still continue her student life and moves into her dorm. On her dorm, she meet Noel Crane. Eventually, romantic involvements arise, and the relationships between Ben, Felicity and Noel form the dramatic conflicts in the show.
Is it true the show got too low ratings after Felicity cut her hair short that they had to cancel the show??
Pretty nice blog i just love reading your article. keep up the good work
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